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I'd learned how enjoyable it was to feel, rather than see, a woman climb in beside me, both with Michelle and Jacqui. I like to close my eyes and wait for them to climb in with me to feel their soft skin against mine. That's what I did that night. I closed my eyes, anticipating that moment when Ginger would slide in beside me. When she did after just a few minutes, I didn't feel her skin but a soft, satiny gown on her body. She must have bought it at Maurice's because I know she certainly hadn't anticipated this second night when she packed. We explored each other with our hands while we kissed; I marveled at how luxurious the soft fabric felt on her skin. I pushed her gown down a little in front and took one of Ginger’s nipples into my mouth, sucking on it gently, her hands running through my hair. As I sucked, my hand snuck its way down her stomach to between her legs where I was surprised that it was a like loose fitting pajama-gown. It left her body a little bit of a mystery. ’ The nurse whispered as she turned and walked away. The sun was shining in the room when I awoke again. I gently shook Jan awake, who stirred quietly. ‘What time is it?’ She whispered with a yawn. ‘Not sure. But the sun is up.’ ‘Mmmmmm I think that’s the best I’ve slept in a long time.’ She said stretching. ‘Thank you. For last night and also for being my body pillow.’ ‘You’re welcome.’ I whispered back. ‘Hey, did you notice?’ ‘What’s that?’ I asked as she pushed herself up so she could look at my face. ‘We’re not…you know. Living the fantasy life!’ ‘Yeah I did. I was wondering why, but maybe it’s because we’ve been in physical contact for so long?’ ‘Well, whatever it is, I’m glad.’ She said, leaning her face to mine. She gave me a soft kiss on the lips and then with a smile pushed herself up and gingerly climbed out of bed. ‘I guess you get to see me completely naked in the daylight now.’ She said with an almost girlish giggle. ‘Yeah, looks pretty damn good from where I’m at too.’.
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